C9.4 | A 28GHz 5G NR Wirelessly Powered Relay Transceiver Using Rectifier-Type 4th-Order Sub-Harmonic Mixer
Authors:Sena Kato1, Shu Date1, Tao Ruoxin1, Yasuto Narukiyo1, Hiroki Hayashi1, Keito Yuasa1, Michihiro Ide1, Takashi Tomura1, Kenichi Okada1, Atsushi Shirane1 1Tokyo Institute of Technology
In this paper, a wirelessly powered 28GHz phased-array relay transceiver for 5G networks is proposed. The transceiver operates by rectifying a 5.7GHz WPT signal to generate DC power. The transceiver consists of a circuit that performs 4th-order sub-harmonic mixer operation while rectifying the WPT signal. The proposed circuit rectifies with efficiency of up to 54.9% and a maximum frequency conversion gain of -19.3dB. The 4×2-array antenna board implementing the chips can steer beam from -50° to +50° and the board is capable of sending and receiving 5G NR modulated signal with 400MHz bandwidth using 64QAM (MCS17).
Circuits Technical Session